Veterans of the Ozarks

Veterans of the Ozarks



About Us

The Veterans of the Ozarks goals are to promote and support the full range of issues important to Veterans, to create a positive identity for all Veterans, and to maintain a public perception and awareness of Veterans and Veteran causes. The Veterans of the Ozarks strives to achieve the following:

Aggressively advocate on issues important to Veterans
Seek full access to quality health care for Veterans
Identify the full range of disabling injuries and illnesses incurred during military service
Hold government agencies accountable for following laws mandating Veterans health care
Create a positive public perception of Veterans
Seek the fullest possible accounting of America’s POWs and MIAs
Support all generations of America’s Veterans
Serve our communities


“Never again will one generation of veterans abandon another.”

Veterans of the Ozarks knows what returning veterans face. We have been through it before and we know that, despite all the rhetoric, returning veterans will face major problems. Veterans of the Ozarks will be here for as long as it takes to make sure that those who serve our country receive the care and respect they have earned.

Video Media


Honor/Color Guard
Veterans Day Parade
Honor Guard recertification
Oldest Veterans of the Ozarks member Jack Hamlin 101 years young
2023 Kimberling City Christmas Parade
Color Guard at 2023 Gala
Gala Color Guard
Blue eye parade
Vtereans of the Ozarks Golf Tournament

Rep/Contact Info

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View Personal Bio
Dave McAllister