Table Rock Art Guild & Gallery

Table Rock Art Guild & Gallery


Art & PhotographyRetail SalesRetail Sales - Specialty

About Us

Table Rock Art Guild is one of the longest running organizations in SW Missouri composed of over 60 artisan and professional members. The guild manages a prominent art gallery open six days a week and meets monthly as an association. Table Rock Art Guild (TRAG) meets on the 3rd Tuesday of each month. Contact us for time and location at 417-272-1150. Each month, the guild spotlights a topic of which members are encouraged to create and submit original artwork that represents the monthly theme. Art enthusiasts who do not create are also welcomed to join! A program of interest is presented at each meeting as we gather with fellow artists to share, support and encourage one another. TRAG artists display their work at the retail Table Rock Art Gallery, conveniently located in Branson West in the Claybough Plaza Mall in Branson West at Highway 76 & 13. See our gallery for paintings, drawings, photography, ceramics, and jewelry from 100% local Ozarks artists. The Gallery is open from 10 am to 4 pm, Monday through Friday and 9am to 3 pm on Saturday. Stop in to browse the art, photography, pottery, wood carvings and jewelry on display for sale. Buy Local. 23% of sales benefit the guild and 77% goes directly to support the local artist. All staff are volunteer guild members. Converse with the local artist on duty about curating art for your special space. Apply to become a guild member right at the gallery. Becoming a guild member: You're welcome to attend guild meetings and later decide if displaying at the gallery is a good fit for you.


2022 Fall Festival Poster
Sandhill Crane Portrait by Paula Buzenius
Helen Long - Eagle
Michelle Palumbo-Lins - 2022 Maida Fanin Art Scholarship
Annual Festival of Art Kimberling City
Brent Holland - Upper Dance Hall
Jim Salvo - Architecturally Unsound
Jim Salvo - Blue & White Horses
 Brenda Viveiros - Bondage
Debbie Kraft - Kitchen Brigade
Jim Salvo - Kimberling City Bridge (Abstract)
Jan Rosenburg - Giraffe
Brenda Viveiros - Eye of the Wise
Linda Muraski - Sunset Birch
Yevette Ayres - Sea Bass
Old Masters & Mentors 2021
Jim Salvo - Ozone
Don Haberman - Natural Bridge of Arkansas
Karen Deeds - Birds of Paradise
 Brenda Viveiros - It's been a journey
Jm Salvo - Dandelions
Sharon Clarke - Cock of the walk
Linda Edge-Dunlap - Long Creek Bridge
Mary Phillip - Underwater Crappie
Barabara Hirsh - Blue Ceramic Fish
Brent Holland - Monumental
Darlene Rutz - Day and Night Meet
Debbie Bridges - Katsura Tree
Debbie Kraft - The Watcher
Diane Robben - Mini Azure
Don Haberman - Joe Bald Mt. Lake View
Gail Attanasio - Kimberling City  Snowy Bridge
Gayle Page - Syncopation
Jack O'Keefe - Sail or Go Home
Janice O'Niell - Lap Pup
Jan Rosenburg - Top of the Rock Chapel
Janet Shannon - Water Lilies
Karen Deeds - All About the Blues
Karen Pugh - Desert Overlook
Kathy Thierstien - Necklace
Kimberly Pope - Rhythm of Nature
Linda Edge-Dunlap  - Liquid Petunias
Linda Muraski - Necklace
Mary Phillip - Pelican
Pat Bell - Memories of the Past
Paula Buzenius - Mother's Loving Cub
Peggy Masterman - Pottery
Sharon Clarke - Whassup???
Shawn Swinney - Standing Guard
Yvette Ayres - A Problem Halved
Yvonne Thurman - Necklace