We are a group of concerned citizens in Stone County, Missouri who have completed a 24 hour Stone County Sheriffs Office Citizens Academy!
The goal of the Stone County Citizen Sheriff’s Academy is to foster and promote an understanding by citizens in Stone County of the services offered and challenges facing the law enforcement agencies in the county. It is envisioned that graduates of the Citizen Sheriff’s Academy will gain awareness and appreciation of the services provided by these agencies and will become “goodwill ambassadors” for the law enforcement and public safety community.
Applications are available by calling Corporal Melissa Riggins at
417-357-6116 or our website. Basic requirements for enrollment are:
1. Resident of Stone County
2. At least 18 years of age
3. Have own transportation to and from academy
4. Commitment to attend all eight classes
5. Must pass background check (must have no criminal record)
Those applications selected for the next phase are then given a thorough background check, which includes criminal history, driver’s license status and warrant check. Invitations will then be sent to attend the Citizen Sheriff’s Academy. Attendance will be limited.
Citizen Sheriff’s Academy 2020 date, time and location to be announced,.