Sunday Worship 10:00 AM in person and FB
Church Office is open by appt Wed-Sat.
Driving Directions:
Located at 30 James River, Kimberling City
Please join us! Come as you are! We are located at 30 James River Road in Kimberling City.
Sunday services are at 10:00 AM both in-person and on Facebook@StAndrewPresbyterian Church in Kimberling City, Missouri.
You may also call the church to schedule a visit with Rev. Dr. Tom Schacher 417.739.4357.
During the months of January, February and March, we will be hosting Loaves and Fishes on Monday nights from 5:30pm - 6:30 pm. Free eat in and to go meals will be served.
To see previous worship services, check out our Facebook page.