Non-ProfitOrganizationsOrganizations-Government Agency/County
SSCFPD Auxiliary Mission Statement:
The purpose of the Firefighter's Auxiliary is to support the Southern Stone County Fire Protection District (SSCFPD) Firefighters whenever possible, including the provision of meals and refreshments for firefighters and victims on emergency scenes, and the organization of fund-raising and social activities in the local community for the benefit and welfare of the SSCFPD Firefighters and their families.
What We Do:
The Southern Stone County Fire Protection District Auxiliary responds to all major accidents to bring food and drinks to the firefighters during calls that require them to be on the scene for extended periods of time. We also plan several events that foster brotherhood and the feeling of family among District members, including the Annual Firefighters Banquet, Chili Cook-off and the Family BBQ. Fundraising efforts take place throughout the year, with our Annual Chili Cookoff being our most successful event. Donations of monetary funds and material goods are always welcome!