Clean Jeans Laundry

Clean Jeans Laundry



About Us

''Come in and see what we have added!!''
We know how busy you are and how valuable your time is. For under $20, we now have the capacity for you to wash 5 loads in 25 minutes and dry in 30 minutes!
A list of services offered:
Commercial Bundle Services - includes 100% inspected and treated, folded, labeled and bagged specific to your needs. Pick up and delivery available.
Personal Bundle Services - includes 100% spotting, folded and hung specific to your needs.
Drop off Dry Cleaning
Expert Seamstress on site for repairs and alterations
New High Capacity washers and dryers to better serve the public.
Boat Covers and Bimini Tops
Friendly staff on site at all times to assist.
Clean safe environment
Open 7 days a week!

Washers: Dryers:
2 - 55lb washers 2 - 75lb dryers
1 - 40lb washer 8 - 45lb dryers
1 - 35lb washer 10 - 35lb dryers
3 - 30lbs washers
12 double washers
2 top single washers


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Rep/Contact Info

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Marlys McElroy
  • Phone: (417) 272-6064