Championship Marine Repair


BoatingBoating-Watercraft Service & Repair

About Us

Why Choose Championship Marine Repair?

Your boat is an investment in your free time and you would rather be on the water. That's why we use the same materials to repair your boat that leading
manufactures use to build them. So when we fix it, you don't have to worry about the repair. We take pride in completing repairs correctly the first time so you can't see where the damage was and can worry about the important things like:
''Do We Have Enough Ice In the Cooler?''

How can we be of service to you?

Specializing in fiberglass repair, gel coat repair, flake repair, carpet
replacement, detailing, transom repair, upholstery repair or replacement,
aluminum welding and everything else other than engine repair. From a
small scratch to major accidents, we can fix it.


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